soul growth

Clairvoyance, Intuition & Opening Heart

🔥 Today's Message & Affirmations: 🔥 Topic:Clairvoyance, Intuition & Opening The Heart

Dearly Beloveds,

Allow your hearts to open. Feel the expansion within.

As your hearts open you awaken new gifts and allow the sacred purpose of these gifts to stream forth.

Many of you are being redirected on a new path. Please trust your inner-voice and listen to the guidance it is providing you.

If you are reading this message know that the time has come for you to change the direction of your life. No need for contemplation. The time is NOW.

We are ALL being called to be still, listen deeply and trust our higher guidance. Self Worth, doubts and insecurities have risen to be CLEARED. Let them go as they block your Divine Gifts & the inspirations you are meant to share with the world.

This is the time to AWAKEN, not fall back into the slumber.

Everyone is here for a purpose. Remember what the mission is and feel the fire and passion that fuels it. Transmute anything out of alignment with thy purpose.

Today's Practice:

Visualize a bright orange-yellow cleansing sacred flame ignited within thy heart. Let this flame diffuse into every particle of your being.

See it in your mind's eye. Feel the cleansing and transmuting powers being generated.

Deeply breathe with this until you feel the body fully immersed in this beautiful bountiful orange-yellow flame. This flame is utilized and visualized to transcend your doubts and beliefs that are a hinderance to your souls purpose.

Now Repeat the Affirmation in the image 8X I know another long one! These are part of the infinity freedom codes that are blessing humanity at this time.

Give Gratitude to yourself for completing this practice! You are doing amazing work in these times of uncertainty.

Love & Compassion Always,



Gratitude & Manifestation

🌟Today’s Message & Affirmations

Dearly Beloveds,

Manifestation is amplified at this time.
We are being asked to choose higher and be responsible creators.

Making sure that our thoughts, words and actions contribute to the greater good of all.

Therefore, it is important to consciously be aware of what you are focusing on, for what we resist persists.

When we consciously choose loving thoughts in every moment, we create a reality that is birthed and fueled from love.

In contrast, focusing on anxiety, worry and what if’s will just attract more of what you don’t desire. The easiest way to manifest more abundance, love and joy in your life is to EMBODY It and have a daily gratitude practice!

Today’s practice is all about gratitude and FOCUSING ON WHAT WE DESIRE not what we fear.

Today’s Practice:

Aquamarine Angelic Ray Create a space where you can be in stillness for at least 5 minutes. Bring yourself to a comfortable seated position. Spine fully erect. Begin to pay attention to the natural rhythmic flow of your breath.

Bring the focus to the tip of your nose . Witness the expansion in your nasal cavity with every inhalation and relaxing release with every exhalation.

Allow your body to experience calmness. Now bring the focus inward to the heart center and take three deep nourishing breaths. Exhaling our the mouth the audible sound of AHhhhh. Feel the release in the heart center.

We now invite the Angelic Aquamarine Ray. Fill your body completely with this light. Feel the Angelic presence, Holy light and Angelic wings around you.

Now Give Gratitude to yourself for ALL your ACCOMPLISHMENTS! All that you have transcended and learned so far in this lifetime.

Expand the gratitude to all the amazing qualities you embody. Focus on higher outcomes for you and your loved ones.

Know that you are worthy of all the goodness your heart desires. Abundance and Love manifests in many forms.

Trust in the higher plan.

Repeat Affirmations in image 3x And so it is.......

Be Grateful & Open To Receive, Nicole ♾💓🌟


Light Language

Light Language is Universal Language, some may even refer to it as the Language of Love or the Divine Gift of Tongues. It is the streaming of consciousness through the heart. The sacred gateway within all Beings.

Allowing Light language to stream forth is easier than you think. It’s actually very liberating and a beautiful way to express and heal ourselves.

With our native languages we tend get hung up on a lot of details, based on definitions. We make sure we are choosing the right words to express ourselves. Question the interpretation of our vocal tone and if we are articulating properly, not to mention correct annunciation.

Well this isn’t the case with Light language. It is 100 % heart based, bypassing the analytical mind. You are not choosing and attached to definitions and meanings. You are simply flowing with a higher power. This generates harmony, healing and more light within.

What is beautiful about this form of vibrational Sound healing is it allows your divine guidance system to transcribe the messages directly into your cellular network. Once again, the mind is bypassed so there is no doubt and contemplation of ego vs. intuition & higher self.

The cells instantly begin working for your highest good to make a supportive harmonious vibrational shift. This is why you here sound & light language therapy associated with DNA activations. It is all vibrational.

This Genius innate Vibrational power is used to balance, activate, clear and harmonize our physical, emotional, etheric, mental and spiritual bodies.

Light Language is a catalyst to the Awakening, the remembrance of our true Divine nature. It activates the God-like DNA templates.within.

This allows you to tap into gifts and higher-aspects of yourself that are dormant.

As this Love Language rewrites your genetic structure, it activates your DNA to function at a higher potential. Assisting in transmutation of old patterns, clearing of stagnant energy and elevating you to a higher state of consciousness.

All you have to do is let it flow or be open to receive a transmission from a Light Language Practitioner.

Remember, we create a harmonic dance vibrationally throughout our inner-landscape when we release judgement and surrender to a higher power.

~Benefits of Receiving a Transmission~:

•DNA Activations

•Energetic Recalibrations

•Cellular Clearing

•Release Stagnant Energy & fear based programs

•Generates balance and harmony

•Heightens Awareness

•Connect to Higher-Self

•Heal Multi-Dimensional Aspects

•Expand Heart Energy

•Awaken and Enhance Sacred Gifts

•Generate Remembrance Of Divine Soul Blueprint

In August, manifestation is amplified. Allow these Divine Light Codes to bless your being & Support your creations and hearts desires! Live in your Divine gi...