
Clairvoyance, Intuition & Opening Heart

🔥 Today's Message & Affirmations: 🔥 Topic:Clairvoyance, Intuition & Opening The Heart

Dearly Beloveds,

Allow your hearts to open. Feel the expansion within.

As your hearts open you awaken new gifts and allow the sacred purpose of these gifts to stream forth.

Many of you are being redirected on a new path. Please trust your inner-voice and listen to the guidance it is providing you.

If you are reading this message know that the time has come for you to change the direction of your life. No need for contemplation. The time is NOW.

We are ALL being called to be still, listen deeply and trust our higher guidance. Self Worth, doubts and insecurities have risen to be CLEARED. Let them go as they block your Divine Gifts & the inspirations you are meant to share with the world.

This is the time to AWAKEN, not fall back into the slumber.

Everyone is here for a purpose. Remember what the mission is and feel the fire and passion that fuels it. Transmute anything out of alignment with thy purpose.

Today's Practice:

Visualize a bright orange-yellow cleansing sacred flame ignited within thy heart. Let this flame diffuse into every particle of your being.

See it in your mind's eye. Feel the cleansing and transmuting powers being generated.

Deeply breathe with this until you feel the body fully immersed in this beautiful bountiful orange-yellow flame. This flame is utilized and visualized to transcend your doubts and beliefs that are a hinderance to your souls purpose.

Now Repeat the Affirmation in the image 8X I know another long one! These are part of the infinity freedom codes that are blessing humanity at this time.

Give Gratitude to yourself for completing this practice! You are doing amazing work in these times of uncertainty.

Love & Compassion Always,

